This is a book spread done for a Number mingle with our Canada AB Yahoo group. The lovely ATC was made by Kristy. I then used it in my page spread. The background is made with deli paper.
This is a booklet I constructed out of cardboard inserts/dividers from a wine carton. I twisted, pulled, pushed, inserted, until it became a book. What fun! The signatures are held together with adhesive cloth, as in bandage tape. It closes with a black elastic cord. It measures 8.5 ins x 4ins. I glued a vinyl type paper to the covers.
The Cover
And the last pages with the trifold open. The third section is the back cover.
Am I hoping for an early Spring? You bet I am! Here is my journal offering, fresh and hopeful, now that the snow is all gone. Images, rubber stamps, rub ons, netting, vellum quote, trim, background acrylic paints.